Guides & Tutorials
Jenga API
Send Money - IMT
Pesalink - Mobile

IMT Pesalink - To Mobile

Test URL


Live URL


This web service enables an application to send money to mobile.


This service is only available in Kenya

📘 Pesalink Participating Banks

To check whether your recipient's bank is participating on PesaLink, go to partners link (opens in a new tab)

200 Success Response Schema

Field NameField TypeField Description
statusstringResponse status
codenumberResponse code
messagestringResponse message
data.transactionIdstringunique transaction id
data.statusstringTransaction status

Example Request


In the example below, please remember to replace the variables enclosed within curly brackets {{ }} with the actual values.

Signature Formula
Request Fields
Field NameField TypeRequiredDescription
source.countryCodestringYesThe country code of the sender's mobile number.
source.namestringYesThe name of the sender.
source.accountNumberstringYesThe account number of the sender (if applicable).
sender.namestringYesThe name of the sender.
sender.documentTypestringYesThe document type (e.g., NationalId).
sender.documentNumberstringYesThe document number of the sender.
sender.countryCodestringYesThe country code of the sender.
sender.mobileNumberstringYesThe mobile number of the sender.
sender.emailstringYesThe email address of the sender.
destination.typestringYesThe type of destination (e.g., mobile).
destination.countryCodestringYesThe country code of the destination.
destination.namestringYesThe name of the recipient.
destination.bankCodestringYesThe bank code of the recipient (if applicable).
destination.accountNumberstringNoThe account number of the recipient (if applicable).
destination.mobileNumberstringYesThe mobile number of the recipient.
destination.documentTypestringYesThe document type (e.g., NationalId) of the recipient.
destination.documentNumberstringYesThe document number of the recipient.
transfer.typestringYesThe type of transfer (e.g., Pesalink).
transfer.amountstringYesThe amount to be transferred.
transfer.currencyCodestringYesThe currency code (e.g., KES).
transfer.datestringYesThe date of the transfer.
transfer.descriptionstringNoA description of the transfer.
Example Request
curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'signature: {{signature}}' \
     --data '
            "source": {
                "countryCode": "KE",
                "name": "John Doe",
                "accountNumber": "0011547896523"
            "sender": {
                "name": "Sender Name",
                "documentType": "NationalId",
                "documentNumber": "12345",
                "countryCode": "KE",
                "mobileNumber": "0763000000",
                "email": ""
            "destination": {
                "type": "mobile",
                "countryCode": "KE",
                "name": "A N.Other",
                "bankCode": "03",
                "accountNumber": "101080530003",
                "mobileNumber": "0763123456",
                "documentType": "NationalId",
                "documentNumber": "123456"
            "transfer": {
                "type": "Pesalink",
                "amount": "1000",
                "currencyCode": "KES",
                "date": "2022-12-15",
                "description": "some remarks here"

Example Response

Example Response
    "status": true,
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
      "transactionId": "",
      "status": "SUCCESS"