Receive Payments - Bill Validation
Test URL
Live URL
This web service enables your application perform a bill validation. This is typically before a payment is made for example before paying a utility bill you would like the payment application to validate it actually exists and its details are correct
200 Success Response Schema
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
status | bool | Response status |
code | number | Response code |
message | string | Response message |
data | object | bill object |
bill.CustomerRefNumber | string | bill identifier |
bill.amount | string | bill amount |
bill.amountCurrency | string | bill amount currency | | string | bill name |
bill.status | boolean | bill status true or false |
bill.billStatus | string | |
createdOn | string | bill create date on third party system |
message | string | bill query response message |
Example Request
In the example below, please remember to replace the variables enclosed within curly brackets {{ }} with the actual values.
Signature Formula
Request Fields
Field Name | Description | Format | Required |
billerCode | The code for the biller. This is provided by the service provider. | string | Yes |
customerRefNumber | The reference number for the customer’s bill. | string | Yes |
amount | The amount to be validated. | string | Yes |
amountCurrency | The currency of the amount (e.g., KES , USD ). | string | Yes |
Example Request
curl -X POST \
-d '{
"billerCode": "320320",
"customerRefNumber": "28055948",
"amount": "1000.00",
"amountCurrency": "KES"
}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 5fDAgGPdA98EF53ul4YAvR3XWC39' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-L ''
Example Response
Example Response
"status": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"amount": "1000.0",
"customerRefNumber": "101704",
"name": "John Doe",
"billStatus": "true",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"createdOn": "Fri Jun 24 11:04:14 EAT 2022",
"amountCurrency": "KES",
"status": true