Account Full Statement
Test URL
Live URL
This web service enables the Jengi to retrieve the full set of transactions on a particular account based on a specified date range.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example | Required |
countryCode | string | The ISO Alpha-2 country code where the account is located. | "KE" | Yes |
accountNumber | string | The customer’s account number. | "00201XXXX14605" | Yes |
fromDate | string | Start date for transaction history, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | "2023-10-01" | Yes |
toDate | string | End date for transaction history, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | "2023-10-13" | Yes |
limit | number | Maximum number of transactions to retrieve. | 10 | No |
reference | string | Optional reference for tracking purposes. | "" | No |
serial | string | Transaction serial, if applicable. | "" | No |
postedDateTime | string | Timestamp for the posted date. | "" | No |
date | string | Specific transaction date. | "" | No |
runningBalance | object | Running balance details including currency and amount. | {currency: "", amount: 0.0} | No |
Signature Formulae e.g. 1450160649886KE2023-10-13
Example Request
Example Request
curl -X POST \
-d '{
"countryCode": "KE",
"accountNumber": "00201XXXX14605",
"fromDate": "2023-10-01",
"toDate": "2023-10-13",
"limit": 10,
"reference": "",
"serial": "",
"postedDateTime": "",
"date": "",
"runningBalance": {
"currency": "",
"amount": 0.0
}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'signature: {{signature}}' \
-L ''
200 Success Response Schema
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
accountNumber | string | account number |
currency | string | account currency |
balance | string | account balance |
transactions | array | transactions list |
transactions.reference | string | transaction reference | | string | transaction date |
transactions.description | string | transaction description |
transactions.amount | string | transaction amount (will always be the same as the account currency) |
transactions.serial | string | transaction serial number |
transactions.postedDateTime | string | |
transactions.type | string | transaction type. One of; Debit , Credit |
transactions.runningBalance | object | running balance amount |
runningBalance.currency | string | running balance currency |
runningBalance.amount | string | running balance amount |
Example Response
Example Response
"status": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "Success",
"data": {
"balance": 1105334.32,
"currency": "KES",
"accountNumber": "00201XXXX14605",
"transactions": [
"reference": "697210075664341",
"date": "2023-10-13T18:14:39.000",
"amount": 1.0,
"serial": "1",
"description": "JENGA CHARGE CREDIT 697210075493611",
"postedDateTime": "2023-10-13T18:14:39.000",
"type": "Credit",
"runningBalance": {
"amount": 839509.37,
"currency": "KES"
"transactionId": "54172"
"reference": "697210075664341",
"date": "2023-10-13T18:14:39.000",
"amount": 1.0,
"serial": "2",
"description": "JENGA CHARGE DEBIT 697210075493611",
"postedDateTime": "2023-10-13T18:14:39.000",
"type": "Debit",
"runningBalance": {
"amount": 839508.37,
"currency": "KES"
"transactionId": "54172"