MPGS Create Payment
Test URL
Live URL
This API will be used to authenticate payments on MPGS. cardNumber
and cardSecurity
are encrypted using AES encryption then the cypher is base64 encoded.You can find libraries to encrypt on Github
200 Success Response Schema
Field Name | Field Type | Field Descriptions |
status | bool | Response status |
code | number | Response code |
message | string | Response message |
data | object | Response data |
secureRes | string | This HTML content should be shown to the customer. This will have a value if gatewayRecommendation value is AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED |
gatewayRecommendation | string | Indicate if it is 3D secure or not. Possible values: AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED , AUTHENTICATION_NOT_REQUIRED |
Example Request
In the example below, please remember to replace the variables enclosed within curly brackets {{ }} with the actual values.
Signature Formula
Request Fields
Field Name | Type | Description | Example | Required |
transactionReference | string | A unique reference for the payment transaction. This is typically generated for each payment attempt. | "TRANREF0000001" | Yes |
Example Request
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: {{token}}' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"transactionReference": "TRANREF0000001"
Example Response
Example Response
"status": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Payment Creation Successful",
"data": {
"result": "SUCCESS",
"checkoutMode": "WEBSITE",
"session": "SESSION0002493464501E41219786F4",
"apiOperation": "CREATE_SESSION",
"id": null,
"successIndicator": "d19e211361a74de3",
"payment_link": null