Guides & Tutorials
Jenga API
Receive Money
Merchant Payments

Receive Payments - Merchant Payments

Test URL


Live URL


This API Provides Partners the Capability To Make Payments For Goods And Services

Example Request


In the example below, please remember to replace the variables enclosed within curly brackets {{ }} with the actual values.

Signature Formula

Request Parameters

Field NameField TypeField Description
merchant.tillstringEquity Till number to receive funds (Credit Account)
payment.refstringUnique reference for payment
payment.amountstringpayment amount up to 2 decimal places
payment.currencystringpayment currency E.g KES
partner.idstringThis is the partber source account for the partner (Debit account)
partner.refstringThis is the partner reference, Has to be Unique
Example Request
curl -X POST \
	-d '{
            "merchant": {
                "till": "0766112112"
            "payment": {
                "ref": "123456789123",
                "amount": "1000.00",
                "currency": "KES"
            "partner": {
                "id": "0011547896523",
                "ref": "987654321"
        }'  \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer 5fDAgGPdA98EF53ul4YAvR3XWC39'  \
	-H 'signature: e967CLKebZyLfa73/YYltjW5M4cHoyWeHi/5VDKJ64gOwKBvzHJRqJJrBBc34v2m4jyKkDMBtfRJeFlxbNisMAeBtkw0TRcD2LThFK27EOqLM3m8rQYa+7CJ2FhPhK+iOa4RUY+vTfkRX5JXuqOW7a3GHds8qyPaPe19cKUY33eAJL3upXnGnA3/PEhzjhb0pqk2zCI7aRzvjjVUGwUdT6LO73NVhDSWvGpLEsP0dH/stC5BoTPNNt9nY8yvGUPV7fmaPSIFn68W4L04WgePQdYkmD1UPApGcrl+L2ALY3lPaRfI6/N+0Y3NIWQyLgix+69k7V4EGolqejWdion+9A=='  \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
	-L ''

200 Success Response Schema

Field NameField TypeField Description
statusstringSUCCESS or FAILURE
merchantNamestringname of merchant receiving the payment
transactionIdstringpayment transaction id

Example Response

Example Response
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "merchantName": "A N Other",
    "transactionId": "931118931118"