API Explorer
Send Money


Test URL


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The swift web-service enables your application to send cross-border remittances 🌍.

❗️ CDD - KYC & CFT

In line with various banking regulations your send money transaction will be subjected to various verifications and you may be required to provide additional information.

🚧 Transaction Time

Depending on the destination bank and country, Swift payments may take up to 72 hours to reach the recipient.

200 Success Response Schema

Field NameField TypeField Description
transactionIdstringunique transaction id
statusstringtransaction status

Example Request


In the example below, please remember to replace the variables enclosed within curly brackets {{ }} with the actual values.

Signature Formulae
Request Parameters
Field NameData TypeRequiredDescription
Source Fields
source.countryCodestringYesThe country code of the sender's bank account (e.g., "KE", "US").
source.sourceCurrencystringYesThe currency of the sender's account (e.g., "KES", "USD").
source.namestringYesThe full name of the account holder (e.g., "John Doe").
source.accountNumberstringYesThe sender's bank account number (e.g., "0020100014605").
Destination Fields
destination.typestringYesThe type of destination (e.g., "bank").
destination.countryCodestringYesThe country code for the recipient's bank account (e.g., "IT", "US").
destination.currencystringYesThe currency of the recipient's account (e.g., "USD", "EUR").
destination.namestringYesThe full name of the recipient (e.g., "Rtest").
destination.bankBicstringYesThe SWIFT/BIC code of the recipient's bank (e.g., "BRASITMMXXX").
destination.accountNumberstringYesThe recipient's bank account number (e.g., "10291281982198").
destination.addressline1stringYesThe address line 1 for the recipient (e.g., "24rth Street Turin").
Transfer Fields
transfer.typestringYesThe type of transfer (e.g., "SWIFT").
transfer.amountstringYesThe amount of money to be transferred (e.g., "200.98").
transfer.currencyCodestringYesThe currency code for the transfer amount (e.g., "USD").
transfer.referencestringYesA unique reference identifier for the transaction (e.g., "6a52ef6f0003432").
transfer.datestringYesThe date of the transaction (YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g., "2023-10-11").
transfer.descriptionstringYesAdditional remarks about the transaction (e.g., "test transfer").
AuthorizationstringYesBearer token for authentication (replace {access_token} with a valid token).
Content-TypestringYesMedia type of the resource (should be application/json).
signaturestringYesA cryptographic signature for request integrity.
Example Request
curl -X POST \
	-d '
        "source": {
            "countryCode": "KE",
            "sourceCurrency": "KES",
            "name": "John Doe",
            "accountNumber": "0020100014605"
        "destination": {
            "type": "bank",
            "countryCode": "IT",
            "currency": "USD",
            "name": "rtest",
            "bankBic": "BRASITMMXXX",
            "accountNumber": "10291281982198",
            "addressline1": "24rth Street Turin"
        "transfer": {
            "type": "SWIFT",
            "amount": "200.9800",
            "currencyCode": "USD",
            "reference": "6a52ef6f0003432",
            "date": "2023-10-11",
            "description": "test transfer"
    }'  \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'  \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
	-H 'signature: e967CLKebZyLfa73/YYltjW5M4cHoyWeHi/5VDKJ64gOwKBvzHJRqJJrBBc34v2m4jyKkDMBtfRJeFlxbNisMAeBtkw0TRcD2LThFK27EOqLM3m8rQYa+7CJ2FhPhK+iOa4RUY+vTfkRX5JXuqOW7a3GHds8qyPaPe19cKUY33eAJL3upXnGnA3/PEhzjhb0pqk2zCI7aRzvjjVUGwUdT6LO73NVhDSWvGpLEsP0dH/stC5BoTPNNt9nY8yvGUPV7fmaPSIFn68W4L04WgePQdYkmD1UPApGcrl+L2ALY3lPaRfI6/N+0Y3NIWQyLgix+69k7V4EGolqejWdion+9A=='  \
	-L 'https://uat.finserve.africa/v3-apis/transaction-api/v3.0/remittance'

Example Response

Example Response
    "status": true,
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "reference": "6a52ef6f0003432",
    "data": {
        "transactionId": "6a52ef6f0003432",
        "status": "SUCCESS"