API Explorer
MPGS Direct Integration
Refund Payment

MPGS Refund Payment

Test URL


Live URL


This API will refund a payment.

200 Success Response Schema

Field NameField TypeField Descriptions
statusboolResponse status
codenumberResponse code
messagestringResponse message
dataobjectResponse data
dateTimestringTime of the transaction record
orderAmountstringAmount plus charge
schemestringThe card scheme
api_operationstringThe api operation type i.e., REFUND in this case
orderIdstringThe order id
currencystringTransaction currency
transactionIdstringTransaction id
refundedAmountstringRefund amount
totalRefundedAmountstringTotal refunded amount
statusstringRefund status e.g. PARTIALLY_REFUNDED

Example Request


In the example below, please remember to replace the variables enclosed within curly brackets {{ }} with the actual values.

Signature Formula
Request Fields
Field NameTypeDescriptionExampleRequired
transactionReferencestringA unique reference for the transaction."NCJASSOPK101004"Yes
amountnumberThe amount to be refunded.50Yes
merchantNotestringA note or reference associated with the refund transaction."2179103820"No
Example Request
curl --request POST \
     --url https://uat-unt.finserve.africa/mpgs-direct-integration/api/v3.1/refundPayment \
     --header 'Authorization: {{token}}' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
            "transactionReference": "NCJASSOPK101004",
            "amount": 50,
            "merchantNote": "2179103820"

Example Response

Example Response
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Payment refunded successfully.",
    "data": {
        "dateTime": "2022-11-10T12:24:09.379Z",
        "orderAmount": "51.6",
        "api_operation": "REFUND",
        "orderId": "ORDER0051159",
        "currency": "KES",
        "transactionId": "ZNOGZsC8TB",
        "refundAmount": "50.0",
        "totalRefundedAmount": "50.0",
        "status": "PARTIALLY_REFUNDED"