API Explorer
Account Services
Account Inquiry - All Accounts

Account Inquiry - All Accounts


Allow merchants to validate Equity bank accounts.

Test URL


Live URL


Get account details

Request Headers

Header NameTypeDescriptionExample
AuthorizationstringBearer token for authenticating the request.Bearer {access_token}
Content-TypestringSpecifies the format of the data being sent in the request body.application/json
signaturestringSecurity signature for verifying the request integrity.{signature}

Request Body Parameters

countryCodestringISO Alpha-2 country code of the account's location."UG"Yes
accountNumberstringThe account number to validate."1036200681230"Yes
accountFullNamestringThe full name associated with the account."DICKSON MAITEI"Yes
chargeAccountstringThe account number to which charges, if any, will apply."1036200681230"No/Optional

Example Request

Signature Formulae e.g. KE00201XXXX14605JOHNDOE
Example Request
curl -X POST \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'  \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'signature: e967CLKebZyLfa73/YYltjW5M4cHoyWeHi/5VDKJ64gOwKBvzHJRqJJrBBc34v2m4jyKkDMBtfRJeFlxbNisMAeBtkw0TRcD2LThFK27EOqLM3m8rQYa+7CJ2FhPhK+iOa4RUY+vTfkRX5JXuqOW7a3GHds8qyPaPe19cKUY33eAJL3upXnGnA3/PEhzjhb0pqk2zCI7aRzvjjVUGwUdT6LO73NVhDSWvGpLEsP0dH/stC5BoTPNNt9nY8yvGUPV7fmaPSIFn68W4L04WgePQdYkmD1UPApGcrl+L2ALY3lPaRfI6/N+0Y3NIWQyLgix+69k7V4EGolqejWdion+9A=='  \
    -d '{
        "countryCode": "UG",
	    "accountNumber": "1036200681230",
	    "accountFullName": "DICKSON MAITEI",
	    "chargeAccount": "1036200681230"
    }' \
	-L 'https://uat.finserve.africa/v3-apis/account-api/v3.0/account/validate'

Note: The chargeAccount field is optional. If not provided, the system will use the default account for the transaction.

Example Response

Example Response
    "status": true,
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "account": {
            "fullNames": "DICKSON MAITEI",
            "currency": "UGX",
            "accountNumber": "1036*****1230",
            "status": "Active"

Response Codes

Http Response CodeResponse CodeDescription
2000Request Processed Successfully
104101Request successful;Account validation failed
400900100Invalid Signature
401401, 401101Unauthorized access
401101API Access restricted to Logged-in user
500500Internal Server Error