API Explorer
Purchase Airtime

Purchase Airtime

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The Airtime Purchase API allows your application to seamlessly purchase airtime across multiple telcos in East and Central Africa. Whether you're integrating this into a mobile wallet, e-commerce platform, or a customer-facing service, this API ensures fast, reliable airtime top-ups for your customers.

HTTPS Request Headers

Header NameTypeDescriptionExample
AuthorizationstringThe Bearer token used for authenticating the request.Bearer {token}
Content-TypestringSpecifies the format of the data being sent in the request.application/json
signaturestringGenerate signature using specified request payload data from the Signature Formula.{signature}

Example Request


In the example below, please remember to replace the variables enclosed within curly brackets {{ }} with the actual values.

Signature Formula

Field Descriptions

Field NameDescriptionExampleRequired
customer.countryCodeThe country code in ISO Alpha-2 format where the customer resides e.g., "UG" for Uganda, "TZ" for Tanzania, "RW" for Rwanda, "SS" for South Sudan, or "KE" for Kenya."KE"Yes
customer.mobileNumberThe customer’s mobile phone number (without the country code)."0765555131"Yes
customer.accountNumberThe merchant’s source account number from which the airtime cost is deducted."0440192329480"Yes
airtime.amountThe amount of airtime being purchased, specified in the local currency."100"Yes
airtime.referenceA unique reference number for tracking this specific airtime transaction."212194600777"Yes
airtime.telcoThe telecommunications provider for the airtime purchase, e.g., Safaricom, Airtel."Safaricom"Yes

Example Request
curl -X POST \
	-d '{
            "customer": {
                "countryCode": "KE",
                "mobileNumber": "0765555131",
                "accountNumber": "0440192329480"
            "airtime": {
                "amount": "100",
                "reference": "212194600777",
                "telco": "Safaricom"
        }'  \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}'  \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
	-H 'signature: {{signature}}'  \
	-L 'https://uat.finserve.africa/v3-apis/airtime'

200 Success Response Schema

Field NameField TypeField Description
statusboolResponse status
codenumberResponse code
messagestringResponse message
dataobjectResponse data
referenceNumberstringreference number for the transaction
statusstringstatus of transaction

Example Response

Example Response
    "status": true,
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "reference": "212194600777",
    "data": {
        "referenceNumber": "212194600777",
        "status": "SUCCESS"